On Wednesday, I and three of the other English assistants
went for another wander around town stopping by the enormous fair which is here
until the end of the month and ending up at the Coty shopping centre. The fair
had Kinder crêpes for 3€ – pretty cheap for a taste revolution! Kinder chocolate
seems to be really popular in France, especially amongst my students, and I’ve
gotten a little bit addicted. Although it makes me feel like a 5 year old, it’s
a lot nicer than Milka which I really don’t like that much!
After this we went to the Monoprix in Coty and discovered
that they sell PRINGLES and Tyrells’ popcorn (Sweet and salted in the same bag,
existing in harmony. Cinemas, take note). Such a good day for food!
On Thursday I should have had a whole day of classes but
there was an ‘exercise de confinement’. I’ve tried hard to come up with an
English equivalent to this and can’t so we’ll try ‘confinement drill’. In the
event of a chemical accident or other major incident, the response is to shut
the doors and windows, stay inside within your ‘zone’ and wait for the
all-clear – pretty sensible, really. In order to avoid this, we took the 1ere
and the terminale (lower and upper sixth) to a science fair at the town
hall. This was quite good fun although stopping students sneaking outside
proved quite a challenge. When we got back, confinement had ended (I think the
drill lasted around an hour) so we ate lunch and in the afternoon I taught
groups. I did a very brief starter on idioms and the disbelief of some students
that we say ‘a frog in the throat’ instead of ‘a cat in the throat’ was
hilarious. I conceded ‘raining cats and dogs’ as a stupid one though – the
French version of ‘it’s raining ropes’ does make more sense when you look out
of the window. The evening took the form of a pizza night at Natalie and
Katie’s – it was so much fun! I’m so jealous that they have both internet AND a
kitchen. That’s just showing off!
Friday introduced me to the spotless, punctual world of
French train travel. We went to Rouen on the high-speed TGV which is a
brilliant experience. It’s a double decker train (exciting in itself) and does
a journey which normally takes over an hour and a half in just over forty-five
minutes. I won’t talk too much about the assistants’ training day other than to
say that I’m very sceptical that anyone can teach you how to teach and that I
think you need to discover your own style through working with particular
groups of students.

Liking the sound of the cheesy things, yummy! xx